All Over Israel

Asia Community Health Services was established in 1991 as a group of experts in the field of family medicine by family doctors in the Negev region, and has been operating since then in the fields of primary medicine and specialist medicine.

Currently, more than 150 doctors (specialists and interns) work in Asia, all over the country. Asia is the only private company approved by the Scientific Council and the Medical Association to carry out a residency program in family medicine, and so far more than 100 interns have entered Asia’s program, and already over 60 of them have successfully graduated and integrated as specialist doctors in the health system in Israel
Asia has set itself as one of the main goals of its activity, to integrate in the best possible way into the array of specialist medical and primary medical services provided to IDF soldiers throughout the country and to assist the medical corps as much as possible in carrying out the many challenges it faces.

Asia is a recognized provider of the Ministry of Defense and connects to the army of internal medicine specialists, family and all specialist professions.

Open Positions

Specialist doctors in the following professions:

  • Family doctors
  • Internal Doctors
  • Pulmonologists
  • Neurologists
  • Ent specialists
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Allergists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Pediatricians
  • Dermatologists